Community Benefit Agreements (CBA)
Community Benefit Agreements
What are Community Benefit Agreements?
Community Benefit Agreements are contractual agreements between a developer and a neighborhood organization. The agreement defines how a developer will improve and/or protect aspect of the neighborhood during development and possible upgrades/amenities the developer is willing to voluntarily provide the neighborhood.
are Community Benefit Agreements Legal IN North Carolina?
Yes. As long as they are privately negotiated between a developer and the neighborhood group.
are Community Benefit Agreements Required for Rezoings?
No, Community Benefit Agreements are voluntarily. Developers may use this a method to help reach agreement with neighborhood for their support in the rezoning process. Local planning departments can reference Community Benefit Agreements when evaluating the developer's application during a rezoning. Elected Officials appreciate rezoning applications that include a privately negotiated agreements. However, Elected Officials should not negotiate agreements nor require them as condition, to voting in favor, of a rezoning application.
How are Community Benefit Agreements negotiate?
Terms are arranged directly between developers and neighborhood organizations. Agreements should included all interested parties, measurements for accountability, timeframes, and enforcement with consequences and remedies.
It is in the best interest of both developers and neighborhood organizations to have professional assistance when negotiating a Community Benefit Agreement.
Who Should I contact to help with Community Benefit Agreements?
This is part of a memo Explaining how Community Benefit Agreements can work in Charlotte, NC. Written by the City of Charlotte Economic Development Department to the Charlotte City Council.
Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Memo Page 14
Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update Memo Page 15